This activity was designed by COPA with funding from the Telus Foundation.

This activity was created by COPA with funding from the Telus Foundation and technical design by SocialTech.

COPA (Centre ontarien de prevention des agressions) is a Francophone not-for-profit organization offering services in both French and English. Founded in 1995, we are a recognized centre of excellence in the field of violence and bullying prevention by advocating for equity and inclusion.

COPA provides schools and communities with unique multimedia educational resources, as well as training, professional development and opportunities for capacity-building and consultation.

COPA works with provincial and local organizations and institutions across Ontario, such as parent groups, schools, boards, teachers’ unions, women’s groups, cultural, health and community centres and settlement agencies.

COPA’s unique approach is based on individual and collective empowerment, founded on principles of social justice to bring about positive change.

COPA cares deeply about human rights, especially those of children and all marginalized groups. We all belong.

To learn more about COPA, visit our website at or email us at

Also, please explore our related educational sites:

Someone posts a photo without that person's consent.

Scenario /

You are scrolling down Instagram and suddenly you find a photo that someone posted of your friend walking from behind with a caption that says: Like this photo if you’d like to tap that.

How would you feel in this kind of scenario? Are your rights protected? Would you feel safe, strong and free?

Remembering our rights in these kinds of situations can be a good way to figure out how that other person might be feeling.

If you feel as though your own rights would have been taken away in this situation, then it’s likely that your friend’s feeling the same.

There are different kinds of assault that have taken place here:

  • psychological (because it is meant to make the person feel terrible and worry about who has seen it and is joining in)
  • verbal (because the person is saying nasty things that have a negative effect)
  • physical (because they are making comments about someone’s physical appearance)
  • sexual (because they are making sexual comments)

What you can do

What do you think you could do to be an ally for your friend?

Your Options /

Get revenge for your friend!

You might just want to protect your friend by showing the person who posted it how it feels. You’re thinking of posting a nasty photo of them online with the same kind of caption.

That’s understandable! But like we’ve said before, it can actually make things worse – and start a war.

And, if you decided to post a similar photo with a similar caption you would be hurting someone else, too.

At COPA we can see that saying things clearly without taking the other person’s rights away works the best. What we have been calling assertive.

You could send them a message that says…

  • Take the photo down. This isn’t OK.
  • What you did was wrong and is hurtful. I think you should delete the photo.
  • What you did wasn’t cool.
  • How would you feel if someone posted a photo of you like that?

Reporting the photo

You could also...

  • Take a screenshot of the post and show a grownup you trust to figure out an idea
  • Block the user that posted the photo
  • Press the report button

Reaching out to your friend to show your support.

Probably, your friend is feeling badly and needs someone to talk to or needs some kind encouragement. They probably need to know someone is on their side and wants to help.

Tip: It doesn’t have to be a big thing. Sometimes little gestures or kind words can mean a lot to someone.

Here are some suggestions:

  • You could send a message that says: "Hey, I saw the photo/comment that (insert name here) posted. I just wanted to let you know that I support you and what that person did was not OK."
  • You could give the person a call and ask them how they're doing.
  • You could say something kind and encouraging to the person the next time you see them.
  • You could suggest you get together to figure out what to do next.

Email yourself the answers you submitted in this section